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Journal of Lifelong Learning Society

  • KCI(Korea Citation Index)
  • DOI(CrossRef)
  • DOI(CrossCheck)

Journal of Lifelong Learning Society

ISSN : 1738-0057 (Print) / 2671-8332 (Online)

Instruction for Authors

  1. 1. Manuscripts submitted to the 『Journal of Lifelong Learning Society (JLLS)』 should be limited to unpublished materials in Korean or English, and a manuscript with the same content may not be simultaneously submitted to other academic (society) journals.
  2. 2. The Editorial Board should decide on the selection and the publishing order of the manuscripts.
  3. 3. The writing and submission of manuscripts should be in accordance with the following guidelines on manuscripts writing of the JLLS.
  4. 4. Manuscripts should be submitted via the online submission system (http://ide.jams.or.kr), and all the information of the author (name, affiliation and position, email, phone number) including the information of the manuscript (Korean and English titles, abstract, key words) and co-authors should be entered.
  5. 5. The author(s) should submit a 'copyright transfer agreement' on submitting the manuscript, which should be deemed as a consent to transfer the rights, interests, exercise of rights to copyright, etc. to the Institute of Future Distance Education of the Korea National Open University.
  6. 6. Other details should subject to the decision of the Board.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

  1. 1. Manuscripts should be  written by using MS-Word or Hangul word processor in Korean or in English.
  2. 2. Manuscripts should be within 25 pages (including tables, figures, Korean abstract, English abstract, and references) as per the editing of academic journals in principle, but may be exceeded if necessary.
  3. 3. Manuscripts should be organized in the order of title, name, affiliation and position, Korean abstract, key words, main text, references, English abstract, and English key words.
  4. 4. Tables and figures should be consecutively numbered and parentheses < > should be used for tables and [ ] for figures. The title of the table should be indicated at the top and the title of the figure at the bottom, center aligned. If there is any source(s) to any table or a figure, such source(s) should be specified at the bottom.
  5. 5. All references must follow APA Style (American Psychological Association Style), and for manuscripts in periodicals, the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) must be additionally specified without omission.
  6. 6. Author information should be inserted between the references and the English abstract. The information for the author shall be specified in the order of the name, affiliation and position, contact information and the research field. The English name shall be written with the last name coming first and the first name next, and two to three fields of study shall be specified.

Article Processing Charge

  • * Review processing fee: 90,000 KRW
    (※ Review fee will be informed individually after the preliminary review.)
  • * Publication processing fee
    • - 150,000 KRW will be charged for a manuscript not supported by a research grant.
    • - 300,000 KRW will be charged for a manuscript supported by a research grant.
      • ※ Manuscripts should basically be 25 pages long and those exceeding this should pay additional fees of 20,000 KRW per page.